Hey’s and Hi’s.


Oh hey loves and cheers for visiting my site Kim Eva May, where you guessed it,  it’s my name!

This is a space of mine where I can share all of my interests and passions into one place with you all and all you need to do is have a little scroll and click in the comfort of your own duvet with a nice Cuppa. Now that doesn’t sound like a bad deal does it?

But who the hell am I?

I’m a twenty-four year old (going on twenty five, but can we not talk about my impending quarter life crisis…)  Artist from London, where I primarily want to set up a creative outlet where all Artists are recognised, supported and are able to collaborate ideas, whether that be in Fashion, Music or any other art form you can think of. And hey, if you can incorporate food into the equation, why not?

So please send me a little message if you want me to share your work or just wanna express your own passions and current hypes.

Thanks for popping by!

Kim x